Thank you to our very own PLPNA fearless poll workers and new friends who are enduring the cold to make sure everyone has a place to vote. Please don’t forget to make your voice heard by voting. Vote today!!!!!

Thank you to our very own PLPNA fearless poll workers and new friends who are enduring the cold to make sure everyone has a place to vote. Please don’t forget to make your voice heard by voting. Vote today!!!!!
Thanks to all who attended and assisted in our 2022 PLPNA Social on Sunday April 3 on the grassy area at 33rd Avenue and Wawona. Here is a collage of some photos I was able to capture and I welcome others to also share your photos. It’s always fun to “relive” events via photos and allow others to see what they missed and encourage to not miss the next one!
It was a great gathering and so nice to see and catch up with neighbors. So happy that Supervisor Gordon Mar and a fire department crew also attended. I think more of the adults were excited to ring the fire engine’s bell and have their photo taken with the fire engine than the smaller kids.
And the array of foods was so nice. Lots and lots of cookies, mochi, pasta salads, cheese sticks, cupcakes, fruit, candy, cheese and crackers, chips, churros, trail mix, more cookies, and drinks.
We even had a horse shoe set up and balloon animals to enjoy.
Of course this could not have been accomplished without the assistance of many. And it is with that help and camaraderie that made the event so successful and easier to put on.
Big shout out to the many listed below who assisted and apologies if I overlooked adding your name:
Janet for printing the fliers and majority of the PLPNA board for helping to distribute the fliers to ALL the homes in our boundaries.
Roger for social media postings to promote the event.
David for bringing our PLPNA Banner to display and email promotion of the event.
Jerry for helping with set up for the picnic and the PLPNA little library book table.
Janet and Kathy for efforts to assist with ensuring to greet all and answer questions regarding membership.
Pat for contacting and arranging for fire department to attend
Kathy and Jerry for providing coolers for our drinks.
All the folk who pitched in at the end to help clean up (And I must emphasize that this happened naturally without need to ask for help. That really displayed what a great group of neighbors and neighborhood we live in).
Thanks again and I look forward to future PLPNA events to see you…. REMINDER: The PLPNA picnic is May 21st so be sure to mark your calendars for this next gathering.
Rob Shapiro
PLPNA Social Chairperson