Join Us!
On This Fun
Adventure with
Neighbors &
The PLPNA invites our members to cruise on the Angel Island-Tiburon Ferry on Saturday, October 7, 2023. We board at 5:45 pm, depart at 6:30 pm and return at 8:00 pm. Dress warmly. Bring hearty hors d’oeuvres and your choice of beverage to share. Not a member? Join now. $25 household membership.
Tickets are
$20 per Adult PLPNA Member & Guests
and $5 per Child (3-5), $15 per Child (6-12).
To join download the attached PDF and send it with your payment to: Kathy Montague at 290 Crestlake Dr. SF CA 94132 by Sept. 28, 2023